To put it shortly: this month I have created and delivered colour profiles for two books and received another, freshly printed booklet. The booklet I received is actually a special issue of the “Ligne de Front†journal and its title is ‘Paras’. Published in France, this title is the first part of a history of paratroopers in WW2. The second part is due to be published in June and will include the rest of my colour profiles I created for this project.

Titles which will be coming soon, and I have to mention that I have done colour profiles for them, are a Martin Mariner booklet and a special issue about the Israeli-Arab wars. The Mariner is very interesting as I created the cover art, a classic painting you can see here.
What is coming next month is a lot of work on the Hawker Hunter, Bf109G/K as well as a  few smaller projects. These projects will include digital art, technical drawings and cover art.
See ya with the next project!
Srecko Bradic