Well…….I have been a bit lazy to write any text so we’ve missed many of the published works to be mentioned here. I guess this is natural with advancing age, a man can be more focused on some of his works but some others then suffer. Let’s use a few short words to briefly introduce several projects done in the last months…

Bf 109 classic painting cover art
The most important of all is that I got two new columns in the magazine Aero Journal, published by Caractere. The first title is named Cocardes du monde and it is a continuation of previous series. This features airplane types operated during the sixties. In the same way as the previous series, this one is also published on the back cover. The second column is named Couleurs du monde and it is published in the central pages of the magazine. This column differs from the first and it is focused on one airplane type which is presented in various camouflage and national insignia markings. As there are many rare subjects used here for color profiles I would guess they will be subjects for some model builds. These two columns will continue for the next couple of years and it will be a great pleasure to work on them.

Buffalo painting handed to new cute owner
Two new booklets from the Warplane series have been delivered to their Dutch publisher. Volume no. 2 is for the British Hawker Hunter jet fighter and no. 3 is for late war versions of the German WWII fighter, Messerschmitt Bf 109. Both publications are done in a similar manner as the first edition. Much attention is given to presenting as much as possible various archive images, technical drawings and color profiles. Most interesting is that new markets have been reached and now the Warplane series is available in more countries, including the USA, Australia and Japan.

F-10f Starfighter done for Aero Journal
A few more books were delivered; at this moment in print are books of the war in New Guinea and the Hungarian Air Force. The New Guinea subject is published in the Netherlands and the Hungarian subject is in work by the well-known publisher MMP (especially loved by modelers). Early next year will be printed a new entry, the Brewster Buffalo with several of my color profiles. Also will be the Fokker G.1, also with a large number of my color profiles.

Fokker D. XVI Jupiter with Hungarian markings
Who knows, perhaps a few subjects will be done in the last few weeks of this year….I know that I will complete the final issue of our digital magazine Warplanes and then next year we will start with book subjects, also in digital form.

P-38 Lightning
See ya in next project 🙂
Srecko Bradic