Les Phantoms

‘Les Phantoms’ is a very interesting experience for me. For this title I have delivered […]

Les Phantoms

Few words

To put it shortly: this month I have created and delivered colour profiles for two […]


Great winter!!!

Winter is over and must say- that was great winter!!! First at all two books […]

Winter releases

Classic way

It is good thing that I do not work for some publishers, like the SAM […]

My personal archive give me enough of subjects to do

Promotion at Soesteberg

First what I must say is that I have great time in Netherlands and that […]

C.V book cover

Firefly art delivered

Yesterday I have deliver final of number of the color profiles I have made for […]

Firefly profiles

Back to the roots

Just some time ago I have made two articles, one was about surviving of large […]

Some of works...

Best month

From the illustrator’s view this is one of the strongest month releases I ever had. […]

Fokker Dr.I in Replic magazine

With some delay I would like to inform you all about my first modeling article […]