0 thoughts on “Images tagged "douglas"

  1. I think you cant save this one. Usually there is a pdf link then and they are mostly old documents. This one is probably to encourage you to buy the book.

  2. Hello webmaster Wow what a fantastic article about Literature Books! Your keen insight into Literature Books is informative and creative. I look forward to reading other articles you have. Thanks.

  3. hallo Srecko,odusevili smo se sajtom tvoje zivotne saputnice,kao da je sucica roda,voli humor i jako je pozitivna,sa zakasnjenjem cestitamo tebi i vojcici rodendan te vam zelimo puno uspjeha i bozjega blagoslova takoder i tvojoj obitelji cjelokupnoj javi nam se mi smo se vratili sa ferija ,jer smo dosli po tetku ,sve vas pozdravljamo i tetka porucuje da si dobio neku knjigu iz marseja (casopis)

    vole te tvoji badrovi i sucici

  4. Hey! , Your blog post about photoshop transparent is absolutely great. Easy to understand it and with excellent value. I just stumbled up and dugg your site to digg as good news article about photoshop transparent on Wednesday . Cheers, Mike Brown , keep up the good work !

  5. Dear Srecko, please could you forward details of how to contact you with reference to work done in the latest hunter book from SAM publicaions
    Many thanks
    Simon Watson
    The Avation Bookshop

  6. Pingback: The Hawker Hunter – A comprehensive guide | Let Let Let – Warplanes

  7. Your artwork is faboulous.How can I download it for my personal use ?
    I’ve seen it in Scale Aviation Modeler magazine.

  8. Dear Sir,
    I about teach a surface finish training course in Oman in the Middle East We have been given an old Hunter as a project but i cannot find any surface finish or paint spec drawing for this aircraft. I wish to complete the project using the original drawings to teach the need to use the correct specifications particulaly where the servicing markings are to be applied. Can you help? Many thanks
    Pete Rawlinson

  9. hi! Is there any chance you could post that picture in a higher resolution? I’d really like to read the text in it!

  10. Cheers, Srecko – a pleasure working with you as always! I’ll buy the first round when we meet up – perhaps Telford one year?

  11. Because of the perfect work of Srecko Bradic the book will be a great succes for the Dutch consumers. Also the future is getting better, to have such an amazing friend who can do everything with photo’s and drawings to make profiles from them.
    Maybe to normal to say, but he’s recommended as illustrator for every new coming book about the history of the Dutch Air Force!!

    Kind regards,
    Jan Grisnich

  12. Hello Srecko,

    I’m very impressed by your aircraft profiles! They are very high quality and beautifully drawn.

    I’m fascinated by one of your profiles of an Me 262B-1a. It’s the two-seater version and it’s code numbers are “B3″ and ZM.” Apparently, this aircraft has a replacement nose, which is mostly left in natural metal.

    I would love to know more about this particular aircraft. For example, what source(s) did you use for creating this profile?

    Thank you so much!

    Warmest regards,

  13. Lanasta has a very, very strange commercial policy, even with customers ….
    So much the better for Flieger Revue

  14. I lost far more than a friend, you know it Srecko. I can’t cope with this loss as for the moment. It’s such a devastation

  15. I only just now found this Srecko, he was an excellent correspondent & very honest, I shall never forget him

  16. Pingback: Спасење – Срећко Брадић

  17. Poštovani Srećko,

    U SEAVC (Slovačka Evangelička Augzburške Veroispovesti Crkva) u Srbiji, rade žene sveštenice. Jedna od njih je Anna Petrović, radi u Beogradu, crkva je na Tošinom bunaru br.2 (objekat koji zovu sinagoga iako nema veze sa sinagogom).
    SEAVC je deo luteranskih crkava koji izvorno vodi poreklo i propagira izvorno učenje Martina Lutera.

  18. Malo nas je, al’ smo zato govna, samo presloženo u komplikovan tekst koji nema ko da pročita.

    • Хвала лепо Милане. На жалост то је један део онога што нас разара.

  19. Odličan članak…

    Nutritivno vrhunska namirnica… koristi se i u regenerativnoj poljoprivredi kao bazična kultura. Treba biti samo oprezan na dnevni količinski unos zbog višeg nivoa oksalata (u odnosu na ostale žitarice). Istakao bih još jednu važnu karakteristiku, sadrži određenu količinu mangana (Mn), te stimuliše organizam na izgradnju kolagena. Autor je naveo važnu činjenicu, a to je celovitost… takođe, obavezna je konzumacija ne tretiranog ovsa jer (kao i ječam) sama biljka ima izrazitu apsorpcionu moć nitrita i nitrata iz mineralnih đubriva te biva štetna po zdravlje.

    • Хвала пуно Владимире на пажњи а овај коментар са твоје стране итекако допуњује чланак и сигурам сам да ће читаоцима бити од велике користи!!

  20. Очень крутая и познавательная статья, благодарю автора!

    Я с удовольствием приобрела бы себе черное мыло и другие средства для здоровья и ухода, но я живу в России…

    • Спасибо Руска сестра!! Све ће то бити једног дана, то и јесте моја жеља

  21. Да ли овас може да се кува у експрес лонцу са још неким додацима и колико је то квалитетно за исхрану?

    • Може наравно, експрес лонац само убрзава кување. Губи се онолико колико и при уобичајеном кувању.